?> Keep Everything at Hand with Kitchen Wall Shelves | Best Decor Things

Multifunctional Kitchen Wall Shelves for Comfort

Kitchen Wall Shelves Ideas

Kitchen wall shelves ideally suit to any interior of the room. They make the room practical and multifunctional and the atmosphere – homelike and comfortable. They have many advantages. First of all, you have quick access to all the necessary things. They help to save the space and organize it rationally. The price is acceptable. The variety of colors and shapes gives the opportunity to choose the one, which will suit to the general design of your kitchen. They are easy in cleaning. But there is one disadvantage– you should clean them very often to get rid of dust and cooking oil.

Wooden kitchen wall shelves are still remain to be the most popular. Though, today this piece of furniture can be made of different materials: glass, metal, wood laminated plastic or plastic materials. Designers recommend choosing glass shelves (with a special highlighting or without it) if you want to make the room visually bigger.

Kitchen Wall Mounted Shelves

There are two main functions of kitchen wall mounted shelves – practical and decorative. They are usually used for keeping dinner services, sauces, books of recipes, unordinary jars with grits and spaghetti, vegetables and fruits. You can even place a TV set there or any other household appliances such as: microwave, breadmaker, blender. There is no need to open the doors to take something if you have an open wall shelf. They are very practical and let you keep everything at hand.

Buying decorative kitchen wall shelves it is necessary to pay attention to the color of the wallpapers and the material other furniture of the room is made of.  For example, if the whole furniture is made of wood, you can only spoil the general design with the furniture made of plastic, but glass will make it more elegant. You can easily combine dark colors with light. You can hang them symmetrically or unsymmetrically, combine small sizes with big. Give freedom to your “inner designer”.

Wall Shelves for Kitchen

19 Photos of the Multifunctional Kitchen Wall Shelves for Comfort

Kitchen Wall Shelves WoodShelves for Kitchen WallWall Shelves in KitchenDecorative Kitchen Wall ShelvesWall Mounted Shelves KitchenKitchen Wall Shelves WoodenWall Shelves for KitchenKitchen Wall Mounted ShelvesKitchen Shelves Wall MountedKitchen Wall Storage ShelvesMetal Wall Shelves KitchenRustic Kitchen Wall ShelvesMetal Kitchen Wall ShelvesVintage Kitchen Wall ShelvesWall Mounted Kitchen ShelvesWhite Kitchen Wall Shelves

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