It’s hard to believe that this rag rug crochet pattern was made from old fabric and clothes!
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Today vinyl record art is becoming more and more popular. So, if you haven’t still got rid of your old plates, don’t even thinking to throw them away. If you don’t make use of them any longer for playing music and they are simply lying without usage in your cellar, […]
Room dividers screens may become your most successful solution for creating private space in any area you are willing to. With the help of such screens it is rather simple to split any place into several parts, hide something or get your own valuable piece of calm space and time. […]
According to the designers, even the most refined modern interior design will appear faint and incomplete if it did not revive such a decor element, without large picture frames. Also important aspect is the content of the image. You must agree that in the interior in any of the classic, […]