?> Wall Tapestries Remain to be Fashionable and Elegant in all Times | Best Decor Things

Facts About Wall Tapestries and Its Benefits

College Wall Tapestries

Wall tapestries are interesting and unusual, practical and elegant way to decorate the house. They are real works of art with many advantages. They are beautiful and soundproof. They keep warmth, create special light contrast and conceal wall defects.

Wall tapestries can be made by two ways: handmade and machine-made. Handmade way is more difficult, it takes more time and that’s why the price is high. For this, it is necessary to wave two types of threads (warp threads and colored weft, which form the pattern). They are stained on a frame or machine. Wool and linen are usually used for the warp threads. Cotton, wool and sometimes silk, golden and silver threads are used as the colored weft. Machine-made need less time to be made and the price is preferable. Thanks to modern technologies, new high quality materials and dyes are used. They are abrasion-resistant, low-wearing and don’t fade in the sun. They are popular from the old times. Medieval wall tapestries were called stained paper and were used in old castles to keep warmth.

Inexpensive Wall Tapestries

The works of great artists, pictures from the Bible, images of animals and birds, floral arrangement, castles, cathedrals can be depicted on the wall tapestries. Sometimes of it are decorated with embroidery and macramé. There is one more interesting thing concerning the decorative wall tapestries. You can take part in the process of creating a special one for yourself. You can be a designer yourself. Any picture or photo can be depicted on your’s one. There is a place for imagination and creativity here. You can design a unique one and be proud of it.

There are have big and small sizes. Large wall tapestries are difficult to make, that’s why sometimes they are made of small pieces, which are then sewed.  Of course, it is important to know how to take care of them. Wall tapestries are easy in cleaning. Running the vacuum cleaner and brushing them to get rid of the dust are enough. If there is a spot on, it is better to take it to the dry-cleaner. It is not recommended to wash them at home and necessary to avoid direct sunlight.

Hippie Wall Tapestries

21 Photos of the Facts About Wall Tapestries and Its Benefits

European Wall TapestriesOversized Wall TapestriesLarge Wall TapestriesWall Rugs TapestriesInexpensive Wall TapestriesHanging Wall TapestriesCollege Wall TapestriesWall Art TapestriesBohemian Wall TapestriesTapestries Wall HangingsCool Wall TapestriesWall Sheet TapestriesDecorative Wall TapestriesWall Hanging TapestriesMedieval Wall TapestriesHippie Wall Tapestries

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