?> Do Rustic Wall Mirrors Yourselves | Best Decor Things

What to Consider in Rustic Wall Mirrors

Rustic Wooden Wall Mirrors

Let us invite you to rustic wall mirrors DIY lesson. The manual below allows you to create your personal speculum in a simple matter.

To make rustic style wall mirrors you need:

Rustic Style Wall Mirrors
  • staple gun,
  • glue,
  • paint brushes,
  • stain or paint,
  • mirror without edges
  • liquid nails,
  • wood,
  • clamps (optional).

The result will be perfect with no matter what wood you’re using. In our article, we’ll deal with mirror sized 4 foot tall and 1 foot wide. Your size may differ so you need to recalculate measurements given. Take two wooden boards at 10 ft long each. Cut the first one in two pieces 4 ft 4 inches long each. Cut the second board in the same way. Their long must be at 1ft 6 inches each. They will be borders of rustic wooden wall mirrors.

Cut ends of the pieces to 45 degrees angle. Control yourself to make the lineup cuts. It’s not easy but you are passionate and accurate so you’ll be perfect. After the wood is cut, stain pieces inside and outside. Do this on the table or ground. Just go over the wood with stain and wipe clean to cause an old fashioned effect.

Put the liquid nails on the back outer rim of your mirror on every side. Then let it dry. Your speculum is ready to hang but you can paint it or decorate with colourful self-adhesive paper. This easy-to-made project can be used for rustic rectangular wall mirrors of different sizes. You can call to your children or spouses to help you. The last step is to hang it in family’s favourite place or present it to your friends or colleagues.

Rustic Style Wall Mirrors

8 Photos of the What to Consider in Rustic Wall Mirrors

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