?> Antique Wall Mirrors Guide | Best Decor Things

Functional and Timeless Antique Wall Mirrors

Antique Style Wall Mirrors

Antique wall mirrors perfectly fill stylistic gap both in contemporary and traditional design. They are functional and timeless decorative items which give pleasure to several generations of one family. As we told earlier, there are two types of antique speculums. The first one is genuine. They are produced by various medieval artists since 1700s till 1900s. The specialists usually guess them specific elements which characterize the certain epoch. For example, these are exotic birds or gothic elements.

When you choose antique style wall mirror for your house or office you should take into account different aspects. The main are condition of its glass and frame. The glass must have only a few signs of discolouration, silvering or other defects. The joints of casing must be secure. If the wooden frames contain insect holes, remove them or order a new dress for your speculum.

Antique Style Mirrors Wall

The second type of these units are artificial antique keeping-glass. Modern designers practice the techniques which allows to create mirrors which look like genuine historical reflectors. They are cheaper and are popular among people who want to have a retro spot in contemporary design.

The last achievement of similar alchemists is Fossil Gold by mirror expert Dominic Schuster. His creature presents and updated version of antique keeping-glass inspired by precious of metals. You can watch the unique degradation in old mercury. The designer used silver to cover back of his masterpiece and awarded it with golden sparkle. This gorgeous mirror like its multiple analogs create a heaven atmosphere in master bedroom of new married couple. You can bring history even into your bathroom. Use small antique wall mirrors with shelf for this purpose. It’s very comfortable to place it above the sink. You can store toothbrush set, soap and even hang towels on its handles.

Small Antique Wall Mirrors

9 Photos of the Functional and Timeless Antique Wall Mirrors

Antique Victorian Wall MirrorsAntique Style Wall MirrorsSmall Antique Wall MirrorsAntique Brass Wall MirrorsLarge Antique Wall MirrorsAntique Style Mirrors WallAntique Wall Mirrors DecorativeAntique Wall Mirrors LargeAntique Wall Mirror with Shelf

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